The recent flood in Venice made international news, so I thought I would create a photograph showing San Marco Square underwater -- with costumed models, of course. This is Mona Rose and her sister, and I photographed them on one of the streets in Venice. Her costumes are always brilliant with sensational colors, design, and artistry. I made a careful selection of the two costumes first using the quick selection tool as well as the lasso tool, copied that to the clipboard, and then opened the image of St. Mark's Cathedral. I applied the Photoshop plugin 'Flood' (made by to the architecture, and then I pasted the two women into the scene and sized them (with Edit > transform > scale) to suggest they were close to the camera position. I then applied 'Flood' again at the bottom of the image and in the dialog box of the software raised the water line to imply the hems of the costumes were underwater. Click on the image to enlarge it so you can see the bottom of the frame.
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