One of the more unique leopard photos I've taken is this wide angle (yes, really!) shot of a snarling leopard as I lay in the grass looking up at it. The cat was in captivity in Namibia in a huge, natural compound of about 20 acres, and there was an electrified photographer-friendly fence between us. I stuck my wide angle lens through one of the large openings even though a week earlier one of the staff of this ranch had lost a finger to this wild leopard. Two male leopards -- brothers -- inhabit this compound, and they are always snarling at each other. That's how I got this picture. They owners of the facility tried to breed the cats, but when they put a female leopard in the enclosure the males unfortunately killed her. Since I took this picture, the Namibian government has forced the facility to put strands of barbed wire low to the ground, keeping photographers and other visitors further back from the electric fence making this kind of picture impossible now. My setting were 1/1250, f/16, 1000 ISO, and I used a 24-105mm lens.
Feb 19, 2017, 10:31:32 PM
Daniel A Reynaud - I'm very happy to know that you still have all your fingers !!!