I took this photo during one of my baby wildlife workshops. These two red fox kits were constantly in motion, and the challenge is two fold. First, the shutter has to be fast enough to freeze movement, and second, the lens aperture has to be small enough so the depth of field covers both animals. If the lighting conditions are low and you don't want to raise the ISO, then you have to watch for those moments when the two foxes are essentially equidistant to the camera -- i.e. they are on the same plane so even if the f/stop isn't small, they will both be sharp. If one fox is sharp and the other one isn't, the picture won't be successfully. My settings were 1/250, f/8, and 1000 ISO. I took this with the Canon 5D Mark II in 2013 when noise was a larger concern than it is today. My next babies workshop is in four months -- August 20-24.
May 21, 2024, 1:42:22 PM
Jim Zuckerman - Trisha, Can you send me the URL for any of my images used by Debs Fox. I can't find anything. Thanks. Jim
May 17, 2024, 6:32:21 PM
Jim - Thank you so much for letting me know, Trisha. I really appreciate it.
May 16, 2024, 1:34:48 PM
Trisha Wilson - Hi Jim. I thought I would let you know that your photos are being stolen and shown on the Fb page Debs Fox. She has stolen and reposted numerous videos belonging to other people. Sometimes she places ads to make money. At the moment she isn't, but I am sure she'll include them again. She's done it before! Best wishes. Trisha Wilson