This was an amazing line up of 1950’s cars with, coincidentally, colors that blended beautifully. I took this picture one block away from Central Park in Old Havana, and I waited until most of the owners were out of the frame. I only cloned out one man standing next to one of the cars. The original background wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great, either. Therefore, I replaced it with the beautiful facades of colonial architecture that stood about three blocks away. Finally, I darkened the asphalt. In my opinion, there are four elements that should not be highlighted in the foreground: dirt, gravel, asphalt, and concrete. I used the burn tool to reduce the exposure on the ground. My settings for the photo of the cars were 1/250, f/13, and 640 ISO. I used a 24-105mm lens set to the 60mm mark so there was a small amount of compression.