This is another picture from the primeval swamps of the South. This is sunrise on Caddo Lake in Texas just a few miles from Shreveport, Louisiana. At dawn and with a thick cloud cover, ambient light is very low. Shooting from a boat and obtaining sharp pictures would have been impossible with film, but now with the ability to raise the ISO to unbelievable heights, hand holding the camera can produce sharp pictures with a fast shutter. The water is quite shallow in most places, and one option is to extend the legs of a tripod and place it in the water so the legs rest on the bottom of the lake. With the camera several inches above the surface of the water, you can use long exposures with low ISO settings. I've done that in the past, but this time I just raised the ISO knowing I could mitigrate the noise in post-processing. My settings were 1/1250, f/4, and 8000 ISO. Given the fact that the boat was moving, I wanted to insure tack sharp pictures. That's why my shutter speed was so high.