This kind of interaction between foxes may last for a quarter of a second and then they are on to something else. All foxes move extremely fast, and these arctic foxes are no exception. It’s impossible to compose a shot in the melee, and the best you can do is hope your eye-hand coordination is fast enough to fill the frame with the action and, in the same instant, focus on the subjects. You also have to use the fastest fast frame rate on the camera in the hope one or two of the frames will be good. With my Canon 1Dx Mark II, I was able to use 14 fps and felt lucky to capture this image. Mottled lighting is something I usually try to avoid, but the sun was very low in the sky which minimized contrast and created beautiful texture. In this case, I think the lighting works. My settings were 1/1250, f/11, and 1000 ISO. I used auto ISO and manual exposure mode, and I selected a center cluster of 9 focus points.