Adding the moon to a twilight or night sky is easy, and it will look believable if you do three things. (1) Don't try to cut the moon out along its edge. Use the lasso tool to make a rough selection around it in which you include some of the original night sky all around the moon. Copy this selection to the clipboard with Edit > copy, then paste it into the new background with Edit > paste followed by choosing the lighten blend mode. The black sky around the moon will disappear and the edge will look perfect. (2) Don't make the moon too large. Size it so it looks realistic with Edit > transform > scale. (3) Use Edit > transform > rotate to orient the moon such that it faces the place on the horizon where the sun went down. Since the sun illuminates the lunar surface, it must face the direction of the sun. This is a floating restaurant in Yangon, Burma, and my settings were 4 seconds, f/4, 200 ISO, tripod. I used a 115mm focal length.