This is the Library of Celsius in the ancient Roman ruins of Ephesus in Turkey. The site dates from the first century B.C. I made this artistic interpretation of the famous facade by turning the original shot into black and white: Image > adjustments > hue/saturation. After I moved the saturation slider all the way to the left, I then opened Image > adjustments > levels and added contrast. Next, I chose Image > adjustments > color balance and added the blue tone. Finally, I used the dodge tool to selectively lighten the statuary and the columns. My settings for the original capture were 1/100, f/7.1, and 100 ISO, and I used a 24mm focal length. Due to the small amount of keystoning caused by the wide angle lens, I finished the image by choosing Select > all and then Edit > transform > distort to straight the vertical columns so they were parallel with the left and right sides of the frame.