In the town where we stay in France to be close to the various locations to photograph horses, there is a superb bird refuge. Hundreds of wild flamingos, herons, storks, avocets, and other species make it their home. In the Spring, there are dozens of nests, and using the well-groomed walkways you can get within easy telephoto range for full frame closeups. For this shot, a flamingo flew overhead and with a 100-500mm zoom, I grabbed the picture. Had the autofocus not been so fast, I couldn't have focused on the bird in the second or two it was directly overhead. The original exposure was dark because the meter was influenced by the bright sky, so I used the 'shadows' slider in ACR to open the exposure and reveal the brilliant orange color of the wings. My settings had been set for large birds in flight, and they were 1/2500, f/11, and 1250 ISO. The original sky showed out of focus clouds, and I prefer everything sharp so I replaced the background with a sharp sky image.