We had an outrageous sunrise this morning in Bosque del Apache in southern New Mexico. They sky started out amazing, and then just got more so. By the time we arrived at the main pond area (called the Flight Deck), the sky was on fire and the reflection doubled the visual impact. Snow geese and Sandhill cranes were everywhere. Most of the flock were to the left of this area, so I was able to get a clean reflection. At this time of the morning and with the light behind the mass of birds, they were virtually all silhouettes. I used both wide angle and telephoto lenses, trying to take as many dramatic pictures as quickly as possible until the magic was gone. I exposed for the darker portions of the sky, so in post-processing I had to tone down the exposure in the bright areas. That's the beauty of shooting in RAW: we have the ability to bring back lost detail in both highlights and shadows. My settings for this picture were 1/400, f/5.6, and 1600 ISO. I used a 24-105mm lens set to 28 millimeter for this composition.
Nov 29, 2022, 11:52:28 AM
James R Steadman - Spectacular!!