This is Registan Square at twilight in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The Islamic architecture is stunning at any time of the day, but at twilight the colors and designs take on a saturation and brilliance that's visually dynamic thanks to the artfully placed lights. I prefer twilight to night because the cobalt blue of the sky at this time offers a beautiful backdrop to the architecture. I used a 16-35mm wide angle lens for this shot set to 18mm, and it is a 5-frame HDR composite. I now use HDR sequences for most of my twilight photography because in post-processing, the creative options are expanded. You can adjust the highlights and shadows to taste. Instead of being limited to black shadows with no detail or blown highlights also void of detail, you can incorporate as much detail in these areas as you want. For all of my HDR work, I used one f/stop increments between shots.