This is a Paris peacock butterfly I captured in Nepal. What's interesting about this is I captured the image with the butterfly resting on muck and trash from the gutter of a main street in Pokhara. It allowed a close approach, but a few feet away was a bus stop. Everytime a bus came, the butterfly took flight and disappeared only to return to the same spot when the bus left. To maximize depth of field, I positioned myself directly above the insect so the back of the camera (i.e. the plane of the digital sensor) was as parallel as possible to the wings. When I got home, I used the pen tool in Photoshop working at 300% to meticulously create a selection around the butterfly, including the antennae. Then I replaced the muck with a beautiful flower shot. My settings for the butterfly image were 1/320, f/16, and 2000 ISO; the picture was taken with a 400mm focal length on a 100-400mm lens. I used a small aperture to guarantee I had complete depth of field.