This is a white-headed marmoset, a medium sized monkey from Brazil. I took this in late afternoon light with a Canon 500mm f/4 telephoto lens. The angle of the light created rich texture on the primate, and because I exposed for the sunlight, the shaded background went totally dark. My settings were 1/1000, f/7.1, and 1250 ISO. With long lenses, I tend not to shoot wide open simply because the depth of field is too shallow otherwise. In this shot, fortunately for me, the marmoset's face, body, and tail were approximately on the same plane making it easy to hold focus throughout the subject. Having said that, I now like to close the lens down somewhat to help guarantee all of the interesting detail will be sharp. There are many intriguing species of primates in various parts of the world. My Ethiopia photo tour next March includes an area where we can photograph Gelada monkeys in the wild. I'm looking forward to that because they are so unusual.