These are Antarctic fur seal pups I photographed in 2010 on my way down to Antarctica. They look like adorable stuffed animals to me. I used a 24-105mm lens focal length (set to 105mm) which indicates how comfortable the animals are with people and how close I was to the pups when I took the shot. I waited until the two little heads were approximately on the same plane -- i.e. the same camera-to-subject distance to insure enough depth of field that they'd both be sharp. It was also important that the back of the seal pup on the left was sharp because it's the foreground and so prominent. The fall off in focus of the pup on the right is acceptable. I took this with the Canon 5D Mark II. Eleven years ago noise was a much larger problem than it is now which is why my ISO was so low. Had I taken this today, I would have used f/16 for more depth of field. That would have made the ISO 3200, and with the Canon R5 that's no big deal. My settings were 1/200, f/5.6, and 400 ISO.