I photographed this young girl in the ancient Inn Dein ruins near Inle Lake, Burma. What is interesting about this picture is that it was raining at the time, and both of us were sheltered from the falling rain drops. Otherwise, my lens would have been covered by the drops, and water spots on an image are very difficult and sometimes impossible to repair in Photoshop. You can see the falling rain in the shadow of the alcove in which my young model was posing. Because it was so dark, I had to raise the ISO to 2500. The shutter speed was 1/200th of a second, and even with that relatively fast speed each drop left a streak on the image. I shot this with a 24-105mm lens and chose f/8 so I had some depth of field to make the bush in the foreground fairly sharp. I really wanted a smaller aperture, but that would have meant raising the ISO even higher and I didn't want to do that. I hand held the camera for this portrait.