I'm at the edge of the Sahara Desert in Morocco now, and as my group were driving to a Berber village we passed a young boy who was holding a desert fox kit. We stopped and paid him to photograph the 3-month old fox. The boy was holding it, and of course that didn't make a good shot. So, I asked him to put the baby animal on the ground, which he did, and immediately the fox was like a tornado. It ran all over the place and it was abolutely impossible to photograph. So, back in the hands of the boy, I did my best to get a halfway-decent picture. This image is a composite of several frames, including a separate shot of the rock, in an attempt to make the picture look natural. This was probably the most difficult composite I've ever done. It's still not perfect, but given what I had to work with, I'm happy with it.
Jun 3, 2022, 1:18:23 PM
Barbara Vickers - Many thanks for the most difficult composite you've ever done. How else would I get to see a desert fox kit at the edge of the Sahara!