The sand dunes in Namibia are amazing. They are the highest dunes in the world, and the brilliant orange color against the blue sky of the Namib desert is visually arresting. For this shot of a dead tree against the dunes, I wanted telephoto compression and, at the same time, complete depth of field. I was handholding my 500mm f/4 Canon lens, so the only way to achieve this was to take two separate shots -- one focused on the tree and the second picture focused on the distant dunes. I then put the images together in Photoshop. This was the only way to show all of the beautiful detail in both foreground and background with tack sharp clarity. On my photo tour here, we are out early in the morning and late in the day to take advantage of the exquisite lighting on the landscape. The Namib-Naukluft Park has more S-curves than any place I've ever seen. It's a landscape photographer's Nirvana. My settings for both pictures were 1/500, f/7.1, and 320 ISO.
Jul 21, 2023, 7:53:59 AM
Jim - Hi Cathy, You have my permission to use this photo for your quilt making. Thank you for asking. I would love to see a picture of it when you're finished. Jim
Jul 21, 2023, 6:16:15 AM
Cathy Ash - Hi Jim, Just a quick question. I am a quilter, and I was wondering if you would give me permission to use this photo to make a quilt. I understand if you do not wish this. I lived in Namibia for 2 years and none of my photos are any good, I love the contrast and colour you have captured. Please let me know, I am about to do a workshop on pictorial quilts and came across this photo. Many thanks Cathy Ash Perth, Western Australia